Before your exam, please do not use eye drops, wear contacts, or any eye makeup. It’s best if we can evaluate the health of your eyes without any external factors that could cause them to feel better or worse than average. We want to get the most accurate results possible during any testing.
At Russell West Optometry, we use the best technology to achieve accurate test results and treatment plans. We may use one or a combination of various diagnostic tests to detect and diagnose signs of dry eye. Some of these include:
- Lipid layer tests, like LipiView, blink tests, lipid layer thickness (LLT), and meibomian gland function score
- Aqueous layer tests, like tear osmolarity and tear break-up time
- Mucin layer tests, like the fluorescein eye stain test
- Eyelid & eyeball swab
- Tissue sample & skin biopsy